Dr Pathik Pathak
Director, Social Impact Lab
Profile page(s)
Professor Pathik Pathak is a higher education innovator, social entrepreneur and Founding Director of the University of Southampton’s award winning Social Impact Lab.
Professor Pathak is a World Economic Forum agenda shaper and an UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab Expert. As recognition of his work in higher education and social impact, he has been made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Landmark publications:
Why it’s time to retire equality, diversity, and inclusion. Pathik Pathak, 2021, wonkHE
Prefiguring the anti-racist university. Pathik Pathak, 2021, Lincoln Journal of Higher Education Practice, 4 (2)
Complexities of cultural difference in social care work in England. Rosalind Willis, Pathik Pathak, Priya Khambhaita, & Maria Evandrou, 2017, European Journal of Social Work, 20 (5), 685--696
Major grants:
Co-I, Pathways To Health Through Cultures Of Neighbourhoods (2022), £250k
PI, UKIERI Network Building Grant, (2020-1), £68k
Co-I, Satisfaction with Social Care for South Asians in Southampton, (2015-2017) £217k