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Prof Dame Wendy Hall


NIHR BRC theme co-lead for Data, Health and Society
Regius Professor of Computer Science, University of Southampton
Associate Vice President (International Engagement), University of Southampton
Executive Director, Web Science Institute
Executive Director, Web Science Trust

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Dame Wendy Hall, DBE, FRS, FREng is  Regius Professor of Computer Science, Associate Vice President (International Engagement) and is an Executive Director of the Web Science Institute at the University of Southampton.  

One  of  the  first  computer  scientists  to  undertake  serious  research  in  multimedia  and hypermedia,  she  has  been  at  its  forefront  ever  since.  The  influence  of  her  work  has  been  significant  in  many  areas  including  digital  libraries,  the  development  of  the  Semantic  Web,  and the emerging research discipline of Web Science. 

She  is  well  known  for  her  development  of  the  Microcosm  hypermedia  system  in  the  mid-1980s, which was a forerunner to the World Wide Web.

In  addition  to  playing  a  prominent  role  in  the  development  of  her  subject,  she  also  helps  sh  ape  science  and  engineering  policy  and  education.  Through  her  leadership  roles  on  national  and  international  bodies,  she  has  shattered  many  glass  ceilings,  readily  deploying  her position on numerous national and international bodies to promote the role of women in SET and acting as an important role model for others.

With Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Sir Nigel Shadbolt she co-founded the Web Science Research Initiative in 2006 and is the Managing Director of the Web Science Trust, which has a global mission  to  support  the  development  of  research,  education  and  thought  leadership  in  Web  Science.

She became a Dame Commander of the British Empire in the 2009 UK New Year's Honours list and is a Fellow of the Royal Society. Many of  Wendy’s  previous  roles  include:  President  of  the  ACM, President  of  BCS,  Senior Vice President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a member of the UK Prime Minister’s Council  for  Science  and  Technology,  was  a  founding  member  of  the  European  Research  Council  and  Chair  of  the  European  Commission’s  ISTAG,  was  a  member  of  the  Global  Commission  on  Internet  Governance,  and  was  a  member  of  the  World  Economic  Forum’s Global Futures Council on the Digital Economy.

Dame Wendy was co-Chair of the UK government’s Artificial Intelligence Review, which was published  in  October  2017, is  the  UK  government’s  first  Skills  Champion  for  AI and is a member of the newly formed AI Council.In May 2020,  she  was  appointed  Chair  of  the  Ada  Lovelace  Institute and  joined the  BT Technology Advisory board in January 2021.

In 2023, the United Nations appointed Dame Wendy to their high-level advisory body on artificial intelligence.

Useful links:

Web Science Institute

Social Data Foundation

Landmark publications:

Boniface, M., Carmichael, L., Hall, W., Pickering, B., Stalla-Bourdillon, S., & Taylor, S. (2020). A blueprint for a social data foundation: Accelerating trustworthy and collaborative data sharing for health and social care transformation . (Web Science Institute White Papers; No. 4). University of Southampton.

Schueler, M., Crouch, S., Cox, A., Graham, J., & Hall, W. (2019). Enhanced interface for PEDASI-IoT data sources. (version 1.1 ed.)

Smart, P., Chu, M-C. M., O'Hara, K., Carr, L., & Hall, W. (2019). Geopolitical drivers of personal data: the four horsemen of the datapocalypse. University of Southampton.

Hall, W., Cox, A., Crouch, S., Schueler, M., & Graham, J. (2019). PETRAS-IoT data management and sharing infrastructure: an evolution of IoT observatory (PEDASI). (Harnessing economic value, Privacy & Trust, Safety & Security).

O'hara, K., & Hall, W. (2018). Four internets: the geopolitics of digital governance. (CIGI Papers; Vol. 206). The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)/Chatham House.

Hall, W., Shadbolt, N., Tiropanis, T., O'Hara, K., & Davies, T. (2012). Open data and charities. (Nominet Trust State of the Art Reviews). Nominet Trust.

Andric, M., & Hall, W. (2005). AWOCADO: Using Metadata for Information Retrieval in Intranet-based Document Management Systems. s.n.

Hitchcock, S., Woukeu, A., Brody, T., Carr, L., Hall, W., & Harnad, S. (2003). Evaluating Citebase, an open access Web-based citation-ranked search and impact discovery service. s.n.

Millard, D. E., Bailey, C. P., Brody, T. D., Dupplaw, D. P., Hall, W., Harris, S. W., Page, K. R., Power, G., & Weal, M. J. (2003). Hyperdoc: An Adaptive Narrative System for Dynamic Multimedia Presentations. s.n.

Woukeu, A., Carr, L., Wills, G., & Hall, W. (2003). Rethinking Web Design Models: Requirements for Addressing the Content. s.n.

Ng, M. H., Armstrong, R., Hall, W., & Maier, P. (2002). JointZone: An Adaptive Web-based Learning Application. s.n.

Kim, S., Hall, W., & Keane, A. (2002). User modelling on semi-structured documents. s.n.

Kampa, S., Miles-Board, T., Carr, L., & Hall, W. (2001). Linking with Meaning: Ontological Hypertext for Scholars. s.n.

Hall, W., Hughes, G. V., Martinez, K., Weal, M. J., & Wills, G. B. (2000). Digitising the Turing Archive: A Pilot Study. s.n.

El-Beltagy, S., DeRoure, D., Hall, W., & Carr, L. (2000). On the Usability of Software Agents for Creating and Employing Links in Context. ECSTR-IAM00-6, University of Southampton.

Carr, L., Hall, W., & Miles-Board, T. (2000). Writing and Reading Hypermedia on the Web. ECSTR-IAM00-1, University of Southampton.

Wills, G. B., Hughes, G. V., & Hall, W. (1999). Evaluation of AIMS-Academic Information Management System. University of Southampton.

Wills, G., Hughes, G., Martinez, K., & Hall, W. (1999). Practical aspects of capturing the Turing Archive. (Electronics and Computer Science Technical Reports; No. ECSTR-MM99-7). University of Southampton.

Wills, G. B., Heath, I., Crowder, R. M., & Hall, W. (1999). User Evaluation of an Industrial Hypermedia Application. University of Southampton.

Wills, G. B., Heath, I., Crowder, R. M., & Hall, W. (1998). A Model for Authoring and Costing an Industrial Hypermedia Application. s.n.

Wills, G. B., Heath, I., Crowder, R. M., & Hall, W. (1998). Expert Review for the Pilot of a Large-scale Industrial Hypermedia Application. s.n.

Wills, G. B., Crowder, R. M., Heath, I., & Hall, W. (1998). Industrial Hypermedia Design. s.n.

Scott, C., Stairmand, M., Miller, R., Loades, S., Glowinski, A., Gerelle, E., Hale, J., Rowe, R., McManus, P., Hill, G., Halatsis, C., Hatzopolous, M., Pikrakis, A., Hall, W., DeRoure, D., & Reich, S. (1998). MEMOIR Final Report. IT Innovation.

Wills, G. B., Heath, I., Crowder, R. M., & Hall, W. (1997). Evaluation of a user interface developed for industrial applications. University of Southampton. 

Wills, G. B., Heath, I., Crowder, R. M., & Hall, W. (1997). Factory Information Resource Management: Industrial Strength Hypermedia? s.n.

Wills, G. B., Heath, I., Crowder, R. M., & Hall, W. (1997). Hypermedia Authoring in an Industrial Environment. University of Southampton.

Hill, GJ., Carr, LA., De Roure, DC., & Hall, W. (1996). Microcosm and the WWW: A Distributed Link Service. Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton.

Barron, DW., Carr, LA., Hill, GJ., De Roure, DC., & Hall, W. (1996). Using the Network to Enhance Teaching. Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton.

Melly, M., & Hall, W. (1996). Version Control in Microcosm. Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton.

Carr, L. A., DeRoure, D. C., Hill, G. J., & Hall, W. (1996). Web Links as User Artefacts. s.n.

Goose, S., Dale, J., Hill, G. J., DeRoure, D. C., & Hall, W. (1995). An Architecture to Support an Open Distributed Hypermedia System. s.n.

Melly, M., & Hall, W. (1995). Cooperative Work in Microcosm. s.n.

Carr, L. A., DeRoure, D. C., Hall, W., & Hill, G. J. (1995). The Distributed Link Service: A Tool for Publishers, Authors and Readers. s.n.

Goose, S., Dale, J., Hill, G. J., DeRoure, D. C., & Hall, W. (1995). Unifying Distributed Processing and Open Hypertext through a Heterogeneous Communication Model. s.n.

Wilkins, RJ., Griffiths, SJ., Hall, W., Lewis, PH., & Davis, HC. (1994). A Survey of Image Database Technology. Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton.

Davis, H. C., Knight, S. J., Hall, W., & Pickering, J. A. (Ed.) (1994). Enabling applications for hypertext functionality. University of Southampton.

Goose, S., & Hall, W. (1994). Enriching Audio Support In A Hypermedia System. s.n.

Carr, L. A., Hall, W., De Roure, D., & Pickering, J. A. (Ed.) (1994). Microcosm extensions to the World Wide Web. University of Southampton.

Beitner, N. D., Hall, W., & Goble, C. (1994). Multimedia Support and Authoring in Microcosm: an extended model. s.n.

Wilkins, RJ., Griffiths, SJ., Hall, W., Lewis, PH., Davis, HC., & Pickering, JA. (Ed.) (1994). The MAVIS Project - Extending Generic Links and Content Based Retrieval to Non-textual Documents in the Microcosm Model. Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton.

Hill, GJ., Hall, W., De Roure, D., & Pickering, JA. (Ed.) (1994). 

Towards a Distributed Model for Microcosm. Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton.

Wilkins, R. J., Heath, I., & Hall, W. (1993). A Direct Communication Model for Process Management in an Open Hypermedia System. s.n.

Hollom, R., & Hall, W. (1993). Integrating Internet resource discovery services with open hypermedia systems. University of Southampton.

Heath, I., Hall, W., & Pickering, JA. (Ed.) (1993). Linkbase Requirements for an Open Hypermedia System. Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton.

Davis, H. C., Hutchings, G. A., Hall, W., & Pickering, J. A. (Ed.) (1993). Microcosm: a hypermedia platform for the delivery of learning materials. University of Southampton.

Davis, HC., Pickering, JA., & Hall, W. (1993). Microcosm: An Open Hypermedia System. s.n.

Hall, W., Davis, H. C., Hutchings, G. A., & Pickering, J. A. (1993). The Microcosm Link service. University of Southampton.

Davis, HC., Hall, W., Heath, I., Hill, GJ., Wilkins, RJ., & Pickering, JA. (Ed.) (1993). Towards an Integrated Information Environment with Open Hypermedia Systems. s.n.

Carr, L., Davis, HC., Hall, W., & Pickering, JA. (Ed.) (1993). Using HyTime to Represent Microcosm Linkbases. Department of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton.

Hutchings, G., Hall, W., & Colbourn, C. (1992). A Quantitative Study of Students' Interactions with a Hypermedia System. s.n.

Davis, H. C., Hall, W., Heath, I., Hill, G. J., & Wilkins, R. J. (1992). MICROCOSM: An Open Hypermedia Environment for Information Integration. s.n.

Hill, G. J., Wilkins, R. J., & Hall, W. (1992). Open and Reconfigurable Hypermedia Systems: A Filter-Based Model. s.n.

Hall, W., Heath, I., Hill, G. J., Davis, H. C., & Wilkins, R. J. (1992). The Design and Implementation of an Open Hypermedia System. s.n.

Hutchings, G., Hall, W., & Colbourn, C. (1992). The Effect of Navigation Tool Presentation on Hypermedia Navigation Strategies and User Disorientation. s.n.

Hutchings, G., Hall, W., & Thorogood, P. (1992). The Interactive Learning and Biology Project: Final Report. s.n.

Smart, P., O'hara, K., Cox, A. JM., & Hall, W. (2020). Cyber-physical systems and social machines.

Madaan, A., Nurse, J. R. C., De Roure, D., O'Hara, K., Hall, W., & Creese, S. (2018). A storm in an IoT Cup: the emergence of cyber-physical social machines.

O'Hara, K., Shadbolt, N., & Hall, W. (2016). A pragmatic approach to the right to be forgotten. (Global Commission on Internet Governance Papers; No. 26). The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)/Chatham House.

Major grants:

Risk Models of National Identity Systems

Funder: The Alan Turing Institute

Dates: 1 October 2020 – 30 September 2021

Amount: £75,410

The PETRAS Data Sharing Foundation: Building a Trustworthy IoT Data Assets

Funder: EPSRC

Dates: 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2021

Amount: £112,442


Funder: EPSRC

Amount: £13,850,000 (Southampton £277,961)

Duration: 1/01/2019 – 31/03/2023

Centre for Doctoral Training in Web Science Innovation

Funder: EPSRC

Amount: £3,618,520

Duration: 01/10/2014 – 31/03/2023

Doctoral Training Centre in Web Science

Funder: EPSRC

Amount: £5,996,356

Duration: 01/10/2009 – 31/03/2019

SOCIAM: The Theory and Practice of Social Machines

Funder: EPSRC

Amount: £7,773,823 (£2,679,818 Southampton)

Duration: 01/06/2012 – 31/05/2018

EnAKTing the Unbounded Data Web: Challenges in Web Science

Funder: EPSRC

Amount: £1,944,835

Duration: 01/04/2009 – 30/09/2012

Impact example:

Contributed to Growing the artificial intelligence industry in the UK report, which can be found here.

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