Nutrition, Lifestyle and Metabolism: Early life
Leads: Prof Janis Baird and Dr Mark Johnson
We are investigating how we can promote healthy development by improving nutrition, lifestyle and metabolism before birth, after birth and during childhood.

Health needs we are tackling
How can we build resilience through healthier nutrition and behaviours, from before conception to adolescence?
Giving children the best possible start in life: we are investigating how better nutrition, lifestyle and metabolism in the time before pregnancy until early childhood can give children the best possible start in life –looking at how this helps them to grow and develop well in the womb and as babies, have healthy bones and muscles, and a reduced likelihood of childhood obesity.
Helping premature babies and children with complex needs: we are looking at how improving nutrition in premature babies and children with complex needs can improve growth, body composition and brain development.
Educating teenagers on healthy living: through LifeLab, based at University Hospital Southampton, we are engaging young people from schools and the community in a special educational programme to improve their nutrition and lifestyle before they consider becoming parents.