Dr Matthew Guy
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Dr Matt Guy is Clinical Lead for Medical Physics and Head of Imaging Physics at University Hospital Southampton. He has extensive experience across both diagnostic and therapeutic applications of Nuclear Medicine, including PET/CT, and in the development of dual-energy CT imaging techniques.
Whilst working at the Institute of Cancer Research, he developed one of the first patient-specific dose planning systems for Targeted Radionuclide Therapies and also worked extensively on improving the quantification of high count-rate SPECT imaging. He has developed a range novel diagnostic and therapy processing tools, including a combined gamma camera and CT simulation toolkit to help develop and validate new diagnostic and therapy procedures. Other research interests include understanding and correcting respiratory motion during SPECT and PET/CT imaging, the application of adaptive image filtering and automated shape analysis in neurological imaging. He has been involved in both IPEM and BIR working parties on Nuclear Medicine. Dr Guy is a State Registered Consultant Clinical Scientist and a Chartered Scientist.